Declaration of the European Chemicals Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH)

Our role within the REACH regulation is producer of articles.

We do not supply substances and mixtures and are therefore not subject to the obligation to prepare/forward safety data sheets.

Within the scope of our own supplier communication we have identified articles which contain SVHCcandidates in a quantity of > 0.1 mass percent.

An overview of articles which, according to our current knowledge, contain SVHC candidate substances of the current SVHC candidate list can be found here: REACH – Overview Article

Within the scope of supplier communication, no violations of obligations regarding the handling of Annex XIV substances could be identified.

According to current knowledge, ITT Rheinhütte Pumpen GmbH comply with the restrictions of use defined in Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation.

Download - REACH Statement


Produktfinder für Pumpen

Mit wenig Klicks zur richtigen Pumpe

Unser Produktfinder vereinfacht Ihnen die Auswahl nach der geeigneten Pumpe. Über gezielte Eigenschaften werden Ihre individuellen Präferenzen ausfindig gemacht und passende Produkte zum Vergleich bereitgestellt.




Tauchtiefe (m)

Temperatur(°C), Medium



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